we are still assembling the informationwhich we believe may be interestingfor who lives heremeanwhile we start with theWASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICEHOUSEHOLD UTILITIES
WET WASTEequipment:Curbside recycling banks (brown) with key of 240 L. using a bag in mater-bi, or in biodegradable andcompostable material. The user must obtain the bag at the shopping centers he considers most appropriate.The key of the bank has to be collected in the Municipality office.As an alternative to the above service it is possible to opt for:
- composter received on loan by the Municipality. To get it you have to fill a request form
(downloadable on our website www.comune.longare.vi.it ) and present it to the Protocol Office.Remember that to make the domestic composting it is necessary to have adequate space and land;
- composter purchased privately (to be communicated to the Municipal Ecology Office).
Remember that to make the domestic composting it is necessary to have adequate space and land;
- dunghill authorized by permit (to be communicated to the Municipal Ecology Office).
DRY WASTE NOT RECYCLABLE (COLLECTION DOOR TO DOOR)equipment:Personal recycling can of 120 L. (green color) equipped with a chip delivered to each user on loan;IMPORTANT !!! The recycling can must be kept inside the private property and put on the street ONLY THEPREVIOUS EVENING of the day of the collection and withdrawn by the same evening. It must not be leftpermanently along public roads. This for the respect of the urban decor and to avoid the occurrence ofimproper emptying.IMPORTANT !!! In case of failure of the collection of the "door to door" service, call Soraris SpA. 0444/658667internal number 31 from Monday to Saturday and in any case within the day following the day ofnon-collection and leave the equipment containing the waste on the street.Users are invited to put in the dry waste only the waste that cannot be recycled with current technologiesand is therefore destined for land filling. For example, by placing wet waste with the dry one, the latter,by decomposing, gives rise to a liquid, called percolate (leachate) which can cause serious environmentaldamage and produce bad smells. Also avoid to insert glass or aluminum in the dry waste as there is theopportunity for these materials to be recycled with separate waste collection. In order to prevent illegal wastedisposal a minimum annual amount of emptying of the dry waste of the of 120 L. recycling can isdetermined per household as follows (current reference Regulation for the application of the TARI FareService Fee, Article 16, paragraph 2):
The user must keep the recycling can in a good state of maintenance and cleaning. On the pre-set collection days, he must position it on the street where established, in order to facilitate the emptying service of the operator. Any waste placed outside or on top of the recycling can is counted as an extra emptying.Each emptying, whether with full or empty can, is charged in accordance with the established costs. Take note that the recycling can is personal, has a chip and is bound to the user for the payment of the waste bill. Be careful not to exchange it with the neighbor one; therefore, once withdrawn, after the emptying, verify that it corresponds to the number assigned by the Tax Office. With regard of the waste of used diapers, suitable containers for the purpose are placed at the local collection center during the opening hours, this in order to avoid a long stay of this malodorous waste inside the dry recycling can. There is a cost of an extra emptying of non-recyclable of 120 L. dry waste.PLASTIC AND ALUMINUM (COLLECTION DOOR TO DOOR)equipment:A transparent plastic bag (which allows to see the contents), on sale at any supermarket or grocery stores marked SORARIS. Make sure the bag is placed on the sidewalk in front of your home, the evening before the established day for collection; as an alternative (for door-to-door collection) it is possible to bring plastic and aluminium directly to local collection center. Please take note that Via Brojo and Via Santa Tecla (No. 1 and No. 6) do not have door-to-door collection and must confer plastic and aluminum in the local collection centerDIAPERSequipment:Curbside recycling banks (yellow) with key of 240 L. The user must obtain the key of the bank in the Municipality office.
DRUGS AND BATTERIESGLASS AND PAPERIf not aranged differently, with a onerous door to door collection, have to be taken at the local collection centerUSED GARMENTSequipment:The appropriate container (yellow) present generally near the churches of Longare.
LOCAL COLLECTION CENTERIn the Municipality of Longare there is a local ollection center (Municipal Collection Center - CCR) located in Via Ponte di Costozza 36023 Longare (VI) (on S.P. 247 direction Noventa Vicentina on the right side just before the industrial Area) Free toll: 800905240
The opening hours are shown in the following table:

Here it is possible to deposit, free of charge, separated waste material for recycling to a specific treatment. To access you need to have the badge
given by the Municipality. The following waste is what can be conferred at local collection center
given by the Municipality. The following waste is what can be conferred at local collection center

Useful information
The bill / invoice for the waste service (payment request) is issued once a year (June / July) with attached the postal c/c account or with the automatic charge to the bank account (upon request for activation, using the specific form sent with the bill / invoice). Payment can be made in one or two installments.
Calculation mode for a house hold user:

The citizen's attention in separating and correctly conferring the waste provides a minor manual intervention by the operators,less impurities in the single types of waste, lower recycling or disposal costs to be borne by the Municipality and consequently lower costs for the user.